Journal of Sport and Performance2025-01-01T00:00:00+01:00Scientific Journal of Sport and Performancesjsp@aearedo.esOpen Journal SystemsScientific Journal of Sport and Performance (SJSP) is an electronic journal which contributes to the continuing professional development of sport, phisical education, biomechanics, exercise physiology, sports history, nutrition and many others exercise sciences. karate skill performance through virtual visuals and artificial intelligence techniques2024-12-09T13:11:04+01:00Mohammed Asim Ghazigfx20044@hotmail.comDina Ezzat Mohamed Ibrahim Hadi Kzar<p>In this paper, we explore the integration of virtual visuals and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to enhance Karate skill performance, specifically focusing on circular strike skills. Traditional Karate training often lacks the diversity of sparring partners and the precise, real-time feedback necessary for optimal skill development. We propose a Mixed Interpretation Diagram (MID) as a display to present performance features, facilitating visual imagery and best practice simulations. By employing virtual sketches and intelligent sense rules, trainees can simulate optimal actions and enhance critical Karate skills. Additionally, we consider the use of Konashi intelligent bands and Reformer indoor screens to monitor muscular fatigue, providing early warnings for recovery tasks. The adoption of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies in sports training offers a new vision for enhancing human skill performance. Our v-sports system integrates state-of-the-art AI, human motion analysis, and virtual visual generation techniques, enabling personalized coaching for Karate practitioners. This paper addresses two key research problems: creating meaningful and intuitive body-movement-based presentations of self-image to optimize training, and generating efficient, professional models for guiding without a coach. We present a timeline and percentage breakdown for the development of an AI-assisted Karate training program. This program includes research on circular strike skills, virtual vision setup, AI model training, performance metrics implementation, and comprehensive system testing. The use of VR and AI in Karate training can significantly improve technique accuracy, movement efficiency, training engagement, and personalized feedback, ultimately enhancing overall performance and reducing injury risks. Our findings suggest that integrating VR and AI technologies into Karate training provides a more engaging, effective, and accessible training experience. Future research should focus on improving the accuracy and affordability of these technologies, integrating virtual and real-world training, and ensuring user safety.</p>2024-12-08T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammed Asim Ghazi, Dina Ezzat Mohamed Ibrahim Abdeen, Mazin Hadi Kzar Altaie of concurrent in-season training on physiological functions required for top handball performance athletes2024-12-09T13:11:02+01:00Adel Belkadisaddek.benhammou@univ-mosta.dzWahib Bebouchawahib.beboucha@univ-mosta.dzSaddek Benhammousaddek.benhammou@univ-mosta.dzMohammed Moussaassuom78@gmail.comManar Bouzoualeghmanar.bouzoualegh.etu@univ-mosta.dzAbdelkader<p>This study examined the physiological effects of combining contrast complex training (CCT) with either repeated short sprints (RSE) or high-intensity intervals (HIIT) on elite male handball players during the competitive season. The goal was to identify which training method more effectively enhances strength, endurance, and sprint performance. Fifteen elite handball players were divided into two groups during a 12-week training program, conducted alongside their regular handball practice. The RSE group (n = 8) performed 10 shuttle sprints (2x15m) with passive rest, while the HIIT group (n = 7) completed 5 repetitions of 30-second all-out sprints with directional changes. Both groups participated in CCT exercises, including squats at 90% of 1RM, jump squats at 50% of body weight, and drop jumps from 30 cm. Performance was assessed before and after the intervention using tests for jump squat rate of force development (RFD), 5-jump distance, 30m sprint, repeated shuttle sprint ability (RSSA), maximal squat strength, Yo-Yo intermittent recovery (YYIRT 1), and VO<sub>2max</sub>. Both groups significantly increased maximal squat strength, with the RSE group improving by 8.8% and the HIIT group by 7.4% (<em>p</em> < .01). The HIIT group showed a greater improvement in RFD (63.3% vs. 56.3%, <em>p</em> < .05). VO<sub>2max</sub> increased by about 2% in both groups. YYIRT 1 improved by 9.4% in the RSE group and 5.8% in the HIIT group. However, acceleration (5m sprint) declined in both groups, more notably in the RSE group (-5.7%). RSSA performance deteriorated in the RSE group, while the HIIT group significantly enhanced their fatigue resistance, with a 39.1% improvement in Sdec at RSA (<em>p</em> < .09). CCT increased strength and RFD but did not improve acceleration. HIIT was superior to RSE in maintaining or improving repeated sprint ability, making it the preferred method for elite handball players during the competitive season.</p>2024-12-08T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Adel Belkadi, Wahib Beboucha, Saddek Benhammou, Mohammed Moussa, Manar Bouzoualegh, Abdelkader Dairi differences between forwards and defenders during goal scoring in soccer2024-12-09T13:11:00+01:00Steve<p>The role of a forward player in soccer is to score goals by destabilising defensive systems. The act of goal scoring in open play is fast paced with players requiring perceptual ability to navigate the environment. The purpose of this research study was to explore goal scorers’ ability to perceive and adapt to the environmental threats to goal scoring at different competitive levels. All open play goals scored by forward players in the 2022/23 English Premier League, Championship, League 1, and League 2 divisions were analysed. Four observers recorded the proximity of defenders to the goal scorer at the moment of assist pass and moment of finish. Results showed significant differences existed between the proximity of defenders to the goal scorer between the assist pass and finish. When data was isolated to one touch finish goals within highly offensive zones, a reducing pattern of significant difference was found as league standard decreased. Findings offer an insight into the perceptual ability of forward players to destabilise defensive systems. Recommendations for practice design and talent identification are proposed.</p>2024-12-08T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Steve Smith, James Bedwell, David Eldridge, Craig Pulling, Kieron Conway, Gareth Lloyd deep2024-12-09T13:10:58+01:00Idan Genkinyarongenkin@gmail.comRotem<p>Beach volleyball (BVB) tournaments often require elite athletes to compete in multiple matches per day over several consecutive days with limited rest, potentially leading to neuromuscular fatigue (NMF) and reduced performance. This study aimed to evaluate such fatigue. Twelve adult national team BVB players (8 males, 4 females) completed countermovement jump (CMJ) and 8-meter sprint tests before and after two simulated BVB matches, separated by a 2-hour rest period. No statistically significant changes were observed in performance measures at any time point. However, individual variations in CMJ height, which either increased or decreased beyond the smallest worthwhile change and typical error, were noted. These findings suggest that CMJ height alone may not be a reliable indicator of NMF, or that significant NMF does not occur following two BVB matches. Additionally, the validity of using sprint performance on sand to assess post-exercise NMF remains unverified. Future research should aim to include larger samples of elite athletes, address the limitations of simulated match conditions, and utilize more sensitive tools to evaluate NMF.</p>2024-12-08T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Idan Harat, Yaron Genkin, Rotem Kislev-Cohen and race characteristics of all-time best male 800m runners2024-12-09T13:10:54+01:00Zsolt Gyimesgyimes.zsolt@tf.huBence Kelemenbencekelemen95@gmail.comBálint Ková<p>Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate all-time 80 best male 800m runners’ fastest ever 800m races in tactical aspect. Methods: After classifying the athletes into subgroups, we tried to reveal general and type specific tactical elements (pacing and positioning during the race) and to identify performance determinant racing characteristics within the groups. Athletes were classed into three subgroups: speed type (ST, 800m specialists (SP), and endurance type (ET). Temporal and positional details of the races were obtained via video analysis. Results: ST runners start with a significantly faster 200m compared to SP (<em>p</em> = .016) and ET (<em>p</em> = .0035) runners but there was no difference in the later 200m split times for the rest of the race. ST runners also took a more forward intermediate field position at 200m, 400m, and 600m compared to SP and ET athletes respectively (200m <em>p</em> = .026, <em>p</em> = .032; 400m <em>p</em> = .018, <em>p</em> = .030; 600m <em>p</em> = .034; <em>p</em> = .019). Conclusion: ST 800m runners might effectively operate with a faster start and more forward field position, while SP, and ET runners can benefit more from a slower first 200m, followed by a more even pacing during the race. It was found that speed between 400-600m had the strongest positive relationship with 800m performance in all groups.</p>2024-12-08T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zsolt Gyimes, Bence Kelemen, Bálint Kovács behaviour styles and athletes’ sports satisfaction in UAAP schools in Manila2024-12-09T13:10:52+01:00Dominic Micuamicuadominic@gmail.comAlvin Demver John Michael<p>This study examines the relationship between coaching behavior styles and athletes' sports satisfaction in UAAP Schools in Manila, using data from 170 athletes aged 18-25. Employing a descriptive correlational research design, it utilized the adopted questionnaire from the previous studies. Findings revealed that coaching style is connected to the sports satisfaction, with a balance between authoritarian and democratic methods being crucial. Athletes reported high satisfaction with competence, autonomy, and relatedness, particularly valuing social support and positive training environments. However, areas for improvement were noted, especially in adapting coaching methods to different sports and athlete demographics. The study recommends the need for well-rounded coaching approaches.</p>2024-12-08T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dominic Micua, Alvin Paulino, John Demver Yco, Harvey Lapiceros, Evan John Michael Cruz, Robin Villasenor study on the efficiency difference between winning and losing teams in the quarterfinals and semifinals of the EURO 20242024-12-09T13:10:50+01:00Heechul<p>Football performance is analysed by goals scored, shots, effective shots, and passes. Extant studies have examined the factors in terms of leagues and world cup, including passes, number of successful passes, shots and effective shots and so on. However, the factors that predict and directly affect winner or loser are diverse and lack consistency. This study thus investigated the factors affecting quarterfinal and semifinal in EURO 2024 and analysed them considering the efficiency of pass and shoot. The analysis confirmed that efficiency significantly affects winning and losing teams. Therefore, this efficiency could serve as a valuable reference for efficient management and strategic decision-making for football.</p>2024-12-08T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Heechul Hwang performance indicators of the Dollyo-chagi Taekwondo kick2024-12-16T15:40:31+01:00Jose Luis Sousajlsousa1961@gmail.comJosé M. Gamonalesjosemartingamonales@gmail.comHugo Lourohlouro@esdrm.ipsantarem.ptVictor Hernandez-Beltranvhernandpw@alumnos.unex.esSergio J. Ibáñ<p>Taekwondo is a combat sport where the perfect execution of the athletes’ kicking skills is essential for a good sports motor performance in recreational to elite sports. The aim of this study was to examine the athletes motor control: behavior, learn and development when they performed one Taekwondo kick technique, namely – Dollyo-chagi. The sample was composed of 14 senior men Taekwondo practitioners, five observers for observers’ panel data, 44 event configurations, and 55 alphanumeric codes as observational conducts. The results were analyzed with Cohen’s Kappa agreement index, intra-observer referring to observer 1 and inter-observer related to the other observers. The Theme 5.0 software programme (T-Patterns) was used to detect the temporal patterns, and a previously published observational tool (OSTPI-C) was also employed. The results show a high value of intra-observer reliability of 0.994, and inter-observer accuracy of 0.961 by conduct criterion. The contact moment was the observational instant in which greater stability was verified in the foot contact zone. The T-Patterns analysis did not reveal any gestural stability significantly different from other event configurations. The results of this study showed that the athletes’ performance meets the measurement requirement of motor behavior and motor development.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jose Luis Sousa, José M. Gamonales, Hugo Louro, Victor Hernandez-Beltran, Sergio J. Ibáñez of speed and agility in 13-14-year-old female soccer players in Tirana, Albania2024-12-28T10:36:12+01:00Blerina<p>The purpose of this study was to identify the skill component in female soccer players aged 13-14 in Tirana of Albania before planning a training program. The purpose of this study was to identify the skill component in female soccer players aged 13-14 from the city of Tirana in Albania before planning a specific training program. Method: The subjects are N.82 female soccer players taken from four teams in Tirana. Age: 13.5 ± 0.4 years, Body Height: 161.1 ± 3.82 cm, Body Weight: 51.74 ± 4.35 kg, BMI-kg/m2: 19.54 ± 3.32 %. Soccer players were field tested: Lateral Change of Direction (LCD), T-Test (T-T), 10 x 5 m Shuttle Run Test (SHRT) and Hexagon Test (H-T). Results: The data collected from the test are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD), maximum and minimum were calculated in Excel for each test developed. The results for tests are; H-T-16.7sec, SHRT 10x5m -19.6 sec, T-Test -14.8 sec and for LCD - 8.06sec. Conclusion: According to the results presented in low values, we think that there is a connection between the effect of age and biological maturation. But without overlooking the work of the trainers with these age groups during the training sessions.</p>2024-12-28T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Blerina Mema, Enkeleida Lleshi to return to play and reinjury rate of hamstring injuries with and without intramuscular tendon involvement2024-12-09T13:11:05+01:00Michael O'Sullivanosullivanm@upmc.ieKaren Mullinsmullinsk@upmc.ieAnne D. van der Madea.d.vandermade@amsterdamumc.nlPatrick<p>Determine whether intramuscular hamstring tendon (IMT) injury prolongs return to play (RTP) and increases odds of reinjury compared to non-IMT injuries. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Data Sources: PubMed, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, Cochrane Library and EMBASE. Eligibility Criteria: Studies investigating RTP and reinjury rates in athletes who had a hamstring injury and underwent MRI within 7 days. The PEDRO scale and GRADE approach were used. Eight studies with 527 athletes, were included. Lack of blinding and high heterogeneity meant that the studies included were of fair quality and very low certainty of evidence. IMT injuries had an extended RTP compared to non-IMT injuries (mean difference:16.35 days, 95%CI: 8.51-24.19, <em>p</em> < .001). BAMIC 2c injuries prolonged RTP by 6.0 days compared to 2a & 2b combined (mean difference:6.03 days, 95% CI: 0.03-12.03, <em>p</em> = .05, Z = 1.97). The mean difference between BAMIC 3c and 3a/b injuries was 15 days (95% CI: -1.62-32.91, <em>p</em> = .08). Tendon involvement did not increase the odds of re-injury (OR = 2.98, 95%CI 0.93-9.59, Z = 1.83, <em>p</em> = .07). The overall very low quality of the included studies gravely impacts conclusions that may be drawn regarding comparisons of time to RTP and re-injury rate. IMT injuries may have an extended RTP duration of approximately two weeks compared to non-IMT injury. No between-group differences were found in re-injury rate. To provide accurate prognosis to inform clinical decisions for injuries with and without IMT involvement, high-quality prospective studies with blinding of treating clinicians for MRI findings are paramount.</p>2024-12-08T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Michael O'Sullivan, Karen Mullins, Anne D. van der Made, Patrick Carton an elastic resistance band to a selectorized resistance machine improves 1-RM bicep curl strength via accommodated resistance training2024-09-30T20:15:36+02:00Trent Yamamototyama@bu.eduPhillip Goldmangoldman.phil@gmail.comAugust E. Blatneyablatney25@g.ucla.eduTrinabh K. Sahnitrinabhksahni@gmail.comJohn Taylorjohntaylor@ucla.eduVishruth Shatagopamvshatagopam05@gmail.comEric V. Neufeldeneufeld8@ucla.eduMitchell S. Molognemmologne@gmail.comBrett A.<p>The aim of this study was to determine the effects of using a selectorized resistance machine with and without the use of elastic resistance bands on bicep strength. Sixty-six participants (30 females) completed a four-week training program exercising thrice weekly. Participants were blinded and randomly allocated to either one of the two intervention groups using an elastic band of 30 lb (EB30) or 50 lb (EB50) coupled to the selectorized resistance machine or the control group using only the selectorized resistance machine (CONT). Standard anthropometric measures and one repetition maximum (1-RM) for the cable bicep curl were measured before and after completing the training program. Although all groups demonstrated significant increases in 1-RM bicep strength, both the EB30 and EB55 groups exhibited higher strength gains than CONT. Furthermore, the EB55 group showed an increase in strength approximately 10% higher than that of EB 30. These results suggest that using EB resistance in conjunction with a conventional selectorized machine can augment strength gains in the biceps.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Trent Yamamoto, Phillip Goldman, August E. Blatney, Trinabh K. Sahni, John Taylor, Vishruth Shatagopam, Eric V. Neufeld, Mitchell S. Mologne, Brett A. Dolezal between body fat percentage and aerobic capacity in various athletes2024-12-09T13:10:56+01:00Jannatul Ferdaus Ricktajannat121216@gmail.comYeasir Tus Johora<p>Introduction: The Body Fat Percentage is an indicator of the Body's fitness level and its effects on VO<sub>2max</sub> and thus the cardiovascular status of the athletes. Physical exercise can help to improve a healthy life interestingly. Aims: This study aims to understand the relationship between Body Fat Percentage and Aerobic Capacity of different athletes. Methods: A total of 150 athletes were randomly selected as the subjects for the present study. In the present study VO<sub>2max</sub> was measured by Step test in millimeters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute (<sup>-1</sup>.min<sup>-1</sup>) and Fat percentage was measured by Skinfold Calliper in Millimeters (mm). The collected data were inferential statistics and an independent t-test was applied to check the level of significance. The significance level was set at <em>p</em> < .05. Descriptive and for the relationship appropriate multiple relation statistical tools will be used for the analysis of gathering data. Results: In between fat percentage and Step Test Pulse rate (b/min) coefficient of correlation (r = .441) and level of significance (<em>p</em> = .00) indicated statistical significance with a small positive correlation. At the time relationship between fat percentage and VO<sub>2max</sub> (ml/kg/min) (r = -.450) and level of significance (<em>p</em> = .00) indicated a statistically significant and medium negative correlation. Conclusion: The relationship between body fat percentage variables and VO<sub>2max</sub> was statistically significant and indicated a negative correlation but step pulse rate and fat percentage were statistically significant with a small positive correlation.</p>2024-12-08T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jannatul Ferdaus Rickta, Yeasir Arafat, Fatima Tus Johora Mukta, Rezaul Islam