Affiliated Journals
The Scientific Journal of Sport and Performance (SJSP) is an affiliated journal of:
Journal of Human Sport and Exercise
Journal of Human Sport and Exercise (JHSE) is included in the following (among others) databases and assessment systems:
Scopus (2.3).
SJR (0.252).
FECYT – 369/2022.
Google Scholar.
Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources (ROAD).
Olympic World Library (IOC).
Sustainability and Sports Science Journal
Sustainability and Sports Science Journal (SSSJ) is a recently founded Journal that has published its first issue on May, 2023.
Since its foundation, SJSP has been registered with ISSN (2990-2975) and has its own CROSSREF DOI (10.61486).
In addition, the SSSJ Editorial Team has been working from day one for our indexing in the main international quality and editorial management systems.
Physical Activity, Exercise and Cancer
Physical Activity, Exercise and Cancer has as objectives:
a) Promote, improve, and disseminate research, good practices and innovation in all aspects related to physical activity, exercise, and cancer.
b) Promote greater understanding, links and collaboration between innovation, research and all the agents that work to alleviate cancer from physical exercise and physical activity.