The effects of a single or multi-step drop-set training compared to traditional resistance training on muscle performance and body composition
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The purpose was to examine two drop-set (DS) protocols (single step vs. multi-step) compared to traditional resistance training (TRT) over 8 weeks on changes in muscular strength, endurance and body composition. Twenty-seven trained males were randomized to one of three groups: traditional resistance training (TRT: n = 9), the single step drop set group (DS-S: n = 10) and the multi-step drop set group (DS-M: n = 8). Before and after training, body composition (percent body fat and skeletal muscle mass), and muscular strength and endurance (bench and leg press) were determined. Results: There was a significant interaction for leg press 1-RM (p < .001) and absolute change for leg-press 1-RM was significantly greater for both drop set protocols compared to TRT (p < .001). There were significant interactions for both leg press and bench press endurance (p < .001), with post hoc analyses revealing that only DS-M was superior to TRT (p < .001). There was a significant main effect of time for % body fat (p = .020), SMM (p < .001), however there were no differences between groups. Conclusions: Overall, single-step and multi-step drop-set training to failure appear to be effective strategies to enhance lower body strength, while only the multi-step drop set training enhanced muscular endurance compared to TRT.
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