New Deconstruct Elliptical sports machine and Elliptical machine Comparative analysis of muscle functionality and physiological response in low and high intensity training
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The objective of this article was to compare different cardiovascular training machines and their effects on the body, as well as to determine their suitability for people with low intensity or high intensity training needs. A total of 8 physically active and healthy male subjects (mean ± standard deviation; age: 28.45 ± 1.75 years; height: 1.84 ± 0.07 m; body weight 76.42 ± 8.62 kg; body mass index: 25.5 ± 2.6) were evaluated through of an incremental exercise test at different intensities on two different machines: Elliptical Domyos 680 (BED) and Deconstruct Elliptical 331-EF (DEC). To compare both machines against the two mentioned training needs, two different protocols were carried out: Low Intensity Protocol (LIP) and High Intensity Protocol (HIP). In addition, a thermographic analysis was carried out in order to determine the temperature differences reached in the musculature. No significant differences were found in HR and EE (p < .05) between the two machines. However, a greater and more progressive activation of the muscles of the upper extremities was observed in the DEC machine. In the HIP, HR and EE were measured, obtaining significant differences (p < .05) higher in the DEC machine. Therefore, in our comparison, the Deconstruct Elliptical machine produced more appropriate results for both low and high intensity training compared to the Elliptical machine. These results and the novel nature of the Deconstruct Elliptical raise the need for further studies to better understand this machine.
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