Health in digital environment Challenges and solutions
Main Article Content
Office work is associated with movement restrictions, muscle stress, burnout and other risk factors that negatively affect the health of working - age people. The coronavirus epidemic has changed the labor market: neither employers nor employees were prepared to tackle the challenges of moving to remote work. Therefore, search for solutions to preserve health of remote workers in the context of self-isolation and digital transformation is a priority medical and social task. Pilot research for examination of the office-workers state included interviews, psychological, neurological tests and methods of instrumental visualization. The aim of the study was to identify the signs of the emotional impact of remote work and develop exercises to prevent physical inactivity, as well as technologies for monitoring of individuals’ health. The survey revealed that 80% of office workers have stress and burnout in an epidemic situation, as well as a loss of interest in work and professional achievements. Burnout was accompanied with increased irritability, sleep disorders. Neurological examination revealed muscle spasms and “tunnel” neurovascular disorders in the cervical spine and postural displacement in all persons. Electrophysiological research indicated cerebral acidosis and brain hypoxia in 50% of examined individuals. The programs for postural correction and cerebral metabolism included special coordination and breathing exercises. Recommendations to healthy lifestyle and workplace reorganization were given to all persons. Digital transformation is a challenge that requires changes in legal, organizational, psychological and infrastructural approaches to preserve the health of remote workers in the new environment.
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