The math game How motor activity and the use of own body can help in mathematical learning. Systematic review
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This work, by means of in-depth research and systematic review, aims to demonstrate whether there is a real and concrete correlation between motor education and the learning of logical-mathematical concepts in school-age children between 6 and 11 years. Initially, several protocols and interventions were selected using targeted electronic databases focusing research on the last ten years. Subsequently, the main theme was addressed, subdividing, and analysing the selected research based on four topics: literature, gesture, interdisciplinary and testing. In the theme "literature" two works have been compared concerning the learning of logical-mathematical concepts thanks to the introduction of the use of literature for children and manipulators. In "gesture" five works have been compared where mathematical learning took place through the association of gesture with explanation. The nine protocols signed "interdisciplinary" deal exclusively with this topic: how the movement and the use of the body intervene on mathematical learning. Finally, three data collection on the topic "test": how physical activity intervenes on the results of mathematical tests. Bibliographic research shows that pupils participate with interest in activities and there is no negative influence on this link, indeed a significant improvement was evident in most of the protocols and interventions. There is, however, the need to monitor research in the long term, to expand with a larger sample of children and use larger spaces.
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