Exploring physical activity of female secondary school students from selected regions of Slovakia
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The aim of study was to analyse and compare physical activity of female secondary school students from selected regions of Slovakia. The study group consisted of 1,972 female secondary school students from grammar and vocational schools from five regions of Slovakia. The study data were analysed for each region by using chi-square test at p < .01, p < .05. During the work week, 52.43% of study group have on average 1 to 3 hours of leisure time. The most significant difference in the amount of leisure time, between the work week and the weekend, was recorded in the Banská Bystrica Region, Košice Region, Prešov Region and Žilina Region with 40% of the female students stating that they have more than 5 hours/ day of leisure time at the weekend. Within the Bratislava Region, the amount of weekend leisure time only increased by 11% (p < .01). The female students from the Bratislava Region predominantly (60.62%) spend their leisure time passively, while most of female students from the Banská Bystrica Region (56.57%) and Košice Region (60.25%) spend their leisure time actively. Significant differences between the female students from the Bratislava Region and female students from the other regions were also recorded in other areas (p < .01, p < .05).
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