Acute effect of injury-prevention-exercise-based warm-up vs. small-sided-game-based warm-up on speed performance in young amateur soccer players

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Oussama Kessouri
Mohand Ouamer Ait Ouazzou


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effects of an Injury-Prevention-Exercise (IPE)-based warm-up and a Small-Sided-Game (SSG)-based warm-up on subsequent speed performance in young soccer players. Method: Twelve male soccer players from the fourth division regional league in Algeria participated in the study. The participants completed both the IPE-based warm-up and the SSG-based warm-up in a counterbalanced order with a one-week interval between conditions. Linear and curved sprint performances, and change of direction (COD) speed, were assessed. Results: The results showed no significant differences between the two warm-up protocols in linear sprint performance (10m and 20m tests) or COD speed (zigzag test) (p > .05). However, in curved sprinting, the IPE-based warm-up demonstrated a significant improvement in the 8.5m curve sprint on the right side (p = .017, ES = -1.04). No significant differences were observed in the other curved sprint variables (17m on both sides and 8.5m on the left side). Conclusion: the findings suggest that the IPE-based warm-up may enhance speed performance in curved sprints. However, both warm-up protocols had similar effects on linear sprint performance and COD speed. Coaches and Strength and conditioning coaches should consider incorporating neuromuscular exercises in warm-ups to optimize curved sprint performance in young soccer players.

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How to Cite
Kessouri, O., & Ait Ouazzou, M. O. (2024). Acute effect of injury-prevention-exercise-based warm-up vs. small-sided-game-based warm-up on speed performance in young amateur soccer players. Scientific Journal of Sport and Performance, 3(4), 513–523.
Performance Analysis of Sport and Physical Conditioning
Author Biographies

Oussama Kessouri, University of Jijel

Department of Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities. Faculty of Human and Social Sciences.

Mohand Ouamer Ait Ouazzou, University of Jijel

Department of Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities. Faculty of Human and Social Sciences.

Laboratory of Science, Expertise, and Technology of Sports and Physical Activities. University of Algiers 3.


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