Validity and reliability of a unique aerobic field test for estimating VO2max among basketball players
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This study aimed at developing and validating an innovative field test for measuring the aerobic capacity of basketball players during games. Such capacity is necessary for recovering from high frequency anaerobic actions such as sprinting and continuing to perform well. To recover, the body must rebuild its creatine phosphate reserve and emit accumulated phosphate in very short periods of time. The participants included 21 male basketball players on an elite youth league in Israel, aged 16.4 years on average. In addition to participating in the proposed test (Yo-Yo Recovery Test for Basketball Players) twice (test/re-test), the players also performed three previously validated tests (Bruce Protocol Stress Test, Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Level 1 Test, and Yo-Yo Endurance Test). For each test, the players’ time and distance covered were documented, as were their maximum oxygen consumption and heartrate during recovery, and their perceived level of exertion. Our findings indicate the validity and reliability of the proposed aerobic field test for basketball players. Moreover, the test requires shorter times and distances for obtaining results than the other three tests. As such, this tool could be highly beneficial for basketball coaches in creating optimal training programs and game plans for each individual player and for the entire team.
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