Correlation between body fat percentage and aerobic capacity in various athletes An open assessment
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Introduction: The Body Fat Percentage is an indicator of the Body's fitness level and its effects on VO2max and thus the cardiovascular status of the athletes. Physical exercise can help to improve a healthy life interestingly. Aims: This study aims to understand the relationship between Body Fat Percentage and Aerobic Capacity of different athletes. Methods: A total of 150 athletes were randomly selected as the subjects for the present study. In the present study VO2max was measured by Step test in millimeters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute ( and Fat percentage was measured by Skinfold Calliper in Millimeters (mm). The collected data were inferential statistics and an independent t-test was applied to check the level of significance. The significance level was set at p < .05. Descriptive and for the relationship appropriate multiple relation statistical tools will be used for the analysis of gathering data. Results: In between fat percentage and Step Test Pulse rate (b/min) coefficient of correlation (r = .441) and level of significance (p = .00) indicated statistical significance with a small positive correlation. At the time relationship between fat percentage and VO2max (ml/kg/min) (r = -.450) and level of significance (p = .00) indicated a statistically significant and medium negative correlation. Conclusion: The relationship between body fat percentage variables and VO2max was statistically significant and indicated a negative correlation but step pulse rate and fat percentage were statistically significant with a small positive correlation.
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