Exercise to reduce leptin on obesity A review
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Obesity is a worldwide health problem associated with hypertension, diabetes, and cancer. An unhealthy and excessive diet, low physical activity, and a sedentary lifestyle are risk factors for obesity. Obesity causes adipokine dysfunction, one of which is leptin. Leptin is known to play a role in the regulation of metabolic homeostasis, especially in obesity. Hyperleptinemia in obesity is caused by leptin resistance, the result of excess energy intake and lack of physical activity or exercise, causing high levels of leptin in circulation. Regular physical exercise improves leptin signalling by regulating several proteins involved in signal transduction pathways in the hypothalamus. Physical exercise also reduces inflammation in the hypothalamus or acts as an anti-inflammatory. Stress on the endoplasmic reticulum is associated with hypothalamic inflammation and failure of insulin and leptin signalling. Improvement of leptin resistance is more effective in moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercise as well as resistance training carried out for >12 weeks with a frequency of exercise 3-4 times a week. Acute exercise and <12 weeks of exercise are not very effective in reducing leptin levels in obesity.
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