Repeated sprint training in hypoxia and repeated long sprint ability in highly trained sprint runners A pilot study

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Naoya Takei
Gaku Kakehata
Hiroki Saito
Hideo Hatta


Repeated sprint training in hypoxia (RSH) provides additional improvement in repeated “short” (<10-s) sprint ability compared to the same training in normoxia. Although team sports require to perform repeated “short” (<10-s) sprints during incomplete recovery situations, some sports (e.g., roadcycling) require repeated “longer” (>10-s) sprints during the race. However, evidence regarding the effect of RSH on repeated “longer” (>10-s) sprint ability is lacking. Ten highly trained sprint runners conducted six sessions of repeated sprint training (2-3 sets of 5 × 10-s cycle sprints) in hypoxia (HYP) or normoxia (NOR). Before (pre-) and after (post-) the training intervention, participants performed repeated “longer” (>10-s) sprint tests (5 × 100-m “all-out” sprints with 30-s recoveries) in normoxia. Running velocity and blood lactate concentrations were measured for repeated 100-m sprints. No significant difference was observed (p > .05) in repeated sprint ability between the pre- and posttests, independently training group. Blood lactate concentrations were significantly lower post-HYP than pre-HYP or post-NOR. This study revealed that RSH did not provide any additional training benefits for repeated “longer” (>10-s) sprints in highly trained participants compared to equivalent training in normoxia. However, RSH induced significantly lower blood lactate responses after repeated “longer” (>10-s) sprints.

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How to Cite
Takei, N., Kakehata, G., Saito, H., & Hatta, H. (2024). Repeated sprint training in hypoxia and repeated long sprint ability in highly trained sprint runners: A pilot study. Scientific Journal of Sport and Performance, 3(4), 535–542.
Performance Analysis of Sport and Physical Conditioning
Author Biographies

Naoya Takei, Japan Women's College of Physical Education

Research Institute of Physical Fitness.

Department of Sports Sciences. The University of Tokyo.

Gaku Kakehata, Waseda University

Faculty of Sport Sciences.

Department of Sports Sciences. The University of Tokyo.

Hiroki Saito, Tokyo University of Technology

Department of Physical Therapy.

Center for Human Movement. Tokyo University of Technology.

Hideo Hatta, The University of Tokyo

Department of Sports Sciences.

Funding data


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