Effects of physical activity on levels of anxiety, depression, and stress during the social isolation caused by COVID-19
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COVID-19 is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a new strain within the coronavirus family, which manifests itself in a varied and aggressive manner. The scenario of the COVID-19 pandemic has favored episodes of stress generated by prolonged isolation. Adherence to the practice of physical activity promotes beneficial effects on mental disorders, proving effective in this critical moment. The study's objective was to verify the effects of physical activity on levels of anxiety, stress, and depression during the period of social isolation. It is a cross-sectional study that identified the symptomatology of anxiety, stress, and depression, using the DASS-21. A total of 551 participants responded to the questionnaire online. The results showed that participants who did not engage in exercise before COVID-19 (n = 182) had higher levels of depression (p = .005), while those who engaged in physical activity (n = 323) showed lower indicators of anxiety (p = .010), stress (p = .021), and depression (p = .001). The study revealed that the frequent and continued practice of physical activity minimizes symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression caused by the prolonged period of social isolation, favoring mental health benefits.
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