Digging deep Is elite beach volleyball athletic performance impaired after a simulated tournament?
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Beach volleyball (BVB) tournaments often require elite athletes to compete in multiple matches per day over several consecutive days with limited rest, potentially leading to neuromuscular fatigue (NMF) and reduced performance. This study aimed to evaluate such fatigue. Twelve adult national team BVB players (8 males, 4 females) completed countermovement jump (CMJ) and 8-meter sprint tests before and after two simulated BVB matches, separated by a 2-hour rest period. No statistically significant changes were observed in performance measures at any time point. However, individual variations in CMJ height, which either increased or decreased beyond the smallest worthwhile change and typical error, were noted. These findings suggest that CMJ height alone may not be a reliable indicator of NMF, or that significant NMF does not occur following two BVB matches. Additionally, the validity of using sprint performance on sand to assess post-exercise NMF remains unverified. Future research should aim to include larger samples of elite athletes, address the limitations of simulated match conditions, and utilize more sensitive tools to evaluate NMF.
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