The effect of 8 weeks of block and traditional periodization training models on practical factors in volleyball players
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 8 weeks of traditional and block periodization training models on practical factors in volleyball players. 13 male volleyball players (mean ± SD; age: 17 ± 0.70 years; body mass: 68 ± 12.13 kg; stature: 181 ± 17.13; BMI: 20 ± 3.03) from the same team were divided in two groups (BP: 6; TP: 7). The subjects performed 3 training sessions in volleyball court per week for 8 weeks. The subjects implemented 3 testing stages (before starting, mid and after 8 weeks) including Vertical Jump, Illinois, Pro-agility and T Agility Tests, Shuttle run 300-yard, Side jumps in 60 second and, finally, Hand grip. Between-group changes were assessed using repeated measure analysis. There were not significant differences between group-time interaction effect, in Vertical jump (p ˃ .05), Agility time (p ˃ .05), Power endurance (p ˃ .05) and Special aerobic endurance (p ˃ .05). This means that there were not significant differences between the groups in improving practical training factors; but Time effect was significant (p ˂ .05). In addition, Block periodization showed higher means in the strength of arm and forearm at the end of protocol.
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